Law Enforcement Training
Turn One is Now Approved as an Institutional Provider for the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy!
This program is open to Law Enforcement and Military Personnel only.
Get 4 hours of credit for Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) AND 4 hours for Emergency Vehicle Operation.
We have notified the Municipal Association of SC of our status which can provide assistance for departments for training and education.
Take a Closer Look

The Law Enforcement Training course is taught by experienced Turn One Instructors, Current Law Enforcement Officers, and Ex-Law Enforcement Officers. Instruction includes Classroom and on track exercises at Carolina Motorsports Park.

The Law Enforcement Training course offers three types of training that can be customized per group.
High Speed Emergency Vehicle Training
Skid Pad Training
PIT Training
​The Precision Immobilization Technique Training (PIT) is a course provided to City, County and State Officers in South Carolina and surrounding states. It is a highly sought after course as it gives not only the officer, but the agency an option for bringing both high speed and low speed dangerous vehicle pursuits to an end in a precise manner.

The most important objective is to preserve life and to protect civilians and other police officers from the risk of significant harm or death. These safely ended pursuits protect the safety of the motoring public.
Contact Ed Corey: